Sat Sukrit Art Exports

About us

Who We Are?

At Sat Sukrit Art Export, we are energetic guardians and designers who have confidence in the getting through charm of wood. Our process is grounded in a profound respect for nature's most surprising material and a guarantee to protecting its quintessence through imaginativeness. Our underlying foundations run profound, interweaved with the tales of gifted craftsmans who change wood into perfect magnum opuses. Every creation discusses their commitment, their hands forming polish and craftsmanship that rise above simple usefulness.
Maintainability is the heartbeat of our image. We embrace the obligation of obtaining wood mindfully, guaranteeing that each piece adds to the protection of our planet's excellence. Our process started with a flash of enthusiasm, lighted by the excellence of wood's perplexing examples and surfaces. As time fueled this energy, it changed into a devotion to organize an assortment that summons feelings, recounts stories, and encourages associations.

A Few Words About

Our Team

Nam nec tellus a odio tincidunt auctor a ornare odio. Sed non mauris vitae erat consequat auctor eu in elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra.

Harvey Spector

Founder - CEO

Jessica Pearson


Rachel Zain

Marketing Head

Luise Litt

Lead Developer

Katrina Bennett

Intern Designer

Mike Ross

Intern Designer

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Handmade Manufacturing

Indian hand tailored items are much of the time created by talented craftsmans

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